How to Conduct the Perfect House Viewing

How to Conduct the Perfect House Viewing

As sellers and landlords, we have the choice on whether to allow estate agents to perform our viewings or to undertake it ourselves. Traditionally, it has long been assumed that estate agents are better placed to escort potential buyers around our properties, especially given their years of professional experience. However, if sellers follow some tried and tested techniques to show off their homes in the best light, there is no reason why they can’t secure an offer with the perfect viewing.


Preparation is Key


It’s crucial to ensure that the property is looking its best before showing potential buyers around your home. Firstly, consider the outside of your home. Kerb appeal has a massive role to play and shapes that all-important first impression. Small steps such as locking bins away, tidying up the driveway by removing weeds and popping some hanging baskets at the front door can make a big difference.

Parking is another important issue. It may sound like a small thing, but if buyers struggle to find somewhere to put their car they are likely to be put off. No buyer wants to consider the possibility of bickering with the neighbours over who gets the best space. Making it as easy as possible will reassure them that it’s not something to be concerned about.


De-clutter and Clean


Potential buyers are searching for the perfect location, with the most amount of space available. If your home is cluttered with too much furniture, ornaments or simply the detritus of everyday life, they are not going to get the spacious feel they are looking for. Showing off the available floor space helps buyers to imagine what the property might look like if they were to put their own stamp on it.


Buyers Don’t Just Use Their Eyes


Everyday smells can hang around in the air, unbeknownst to the homeowner who has become accustomed to it. Open up all the windows ahead of time to get some fresh air circulating through the property, even if it’s winter; you can shut them again beforehand to warm up the house. A fresh vase of flowers or two can also help.

If you have pets, it’s also wise to consider how you can reduce unwanted odours, remembering that not everyone is an animal-lover. It may be helpful to let a friend or family member look after dogs whilst the viewing is in progress. Make sure to remove litter trays and vacuum thoroughly to remove excess hair.


Show Off the Best Spaces


Plan ahead when conducting a house viewing. Starting with one of the more well-appointed, spacious rooms will help to create a good first impression. If your property boasts a beautiful, extended kitchen diner, or a generous living space opening out to a stunning garden, it’s a good idea to start there. Make sure you sandwich smaller rooms between those that show off the property in the most favourable light.


Be Prepared for Questions – And Be Honest!


The process of searching for the right property is time consuming and can be stressful. Potential buyers are expecting sellers to be able to provide them with key information about council tax bands, energy suppliers and Broadband. Giving them as much information as possible ensures they don’t have to look for these answers later.

Similarly, it is important to bear in mind that buyers are not only searching for the right property. They also need to know that the area suits them so be prepared to advise them on nearby amenities, schools and doctor’s surgeries.

Honesty is crucial. As tempting as it may be, do not exaggerate any aspects of the property. It could come back to haunt you and ruin a potential sale.


Give Viewers Plenty of Space


People don’t like to be crowded while they are looking around a property. Show them into the rooms and volunteer information when you are asked for it, but try to give them time and space to look around each room at their leisure.


Finally, be polite and gracious when showing viewers around your property, remembering that you are not a salesman. Finding the right balance between showing off your home to its best advantage and allowing potential buyers the space to imagine themselves living there is essential. Using these tools can help to ensure that you find the right buyer who is ready to take that next step.


Image is from a 3 bedroom, terraced property for sale in Aberdare, Wales. For the full listing, please click here.