How to Prepare for Moving Day

moving day

There is no doubt you will have a lot to think about in the weeks leading up to your moving date. However, moving house doesn’t have to be a stressful time. With proper planning and preparation, you can ensure you will have a stress-free moving day.

This article features the best tips for preparing yourself and your house for moving day, from the importance of decluttering your belongings to why you should create easy access outside your house for the removal company.


1. Declutter Your Belongings

The quote for your removal company will be based on how many items you’re taking with you. To keep your removal costs down as much as possible, you should declutter your personal belongings. Not only will decluttering save you money on your move, but it’ll allow for a fresh start at your new house too.


2. Book your Removal Company in Advance

Once you know your completion date, you should book your removal company as far in advance as you can. By booking your removal company early, you will be avoiding disappointment and delays in the chain if the company is fully booked on your completion day. You should also book your removal company after you declutter for a more accurate quote.


3. Arrange Time off Work

You will need a day or two off work for the day of the move and ideally the next day to settle into your new house. Try and book this in as soon as you know the moving date to avoid any disappointment. Bank holidays and weekends are ideal if you don’t want to take time off work, but removal companies will hike up their prices to match the demand.


4. Start Packing Early

If you’re doing the packing without help from the removal company, you should make a start early. Start packing up the rooms you use the least such as your garage or loft, then bedrooms, and finally rooms like the living room and kitchen that you use daily. Leave out any items that you will use right up until moving day.


5. Let People Know Your New Address

You will need to let your employer, your bank and HMRC know your new address as well as your doctor and dentists. If you have any upcoming postal subscriptions, you will need to update your address with them too. Don’t forget to change your dress for any online deliveries you have as most people have their address automatically saved.

6. Keep Essential Items Together

It can be easy to lose important items in amongst everything when you’re packing. You should set aside essential and important items such as any medication you’ll need or your phone and laptop chargers. By creating an overnight bag of essentials, you will have all your important items in one place in case of an emergency.


7. Don’t Do a Food Shop The Week Before

Remember to not do a big food shop the week before you move as it will only go to waste. You will need to defrost your freezer and empty your fridge, so the week before you move you should try your best to eat up everything you already have to avoid food waste. You should only buy the food you know that you will need for that week.


8. Create Easy Access to Property

You’ll need to create easy access to your house for the removal company to have an easy job. If they arrive and there isn’t any space for them to park, you could be charged extra for this. Let your neighbours know to expect a removal van, so they’re aware that they need to keep space outside your house too.

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