Sell or let your property with Griffin Property Co
(previously Emoov)
Sell with Griffin Property Co

Estate Agents Open on Sundays

April 25, 2024 by eMoov

OpenAllHours_CompleteIt's unfortunate that we live in a consumer led society. A culture that now expects 24/7 TV with 'movies on demand'. Seven days a week shopping and the ability to renew your car insurance or set up a standing order at 3am after a night out.

Retail, insurance, travel, banking and just about everything can be accessed at all hours. That's simply the way that we demand it.

It's a far cry from halcyon days when the only place to buy anything on a Sunday was a Mars bar or packet of Wotsits from the garage on the main road. Early closing on a Wednesday is now a distant memory that would inspire convulsions of laughter, should such a practice be mentioned to anyone under the age of 30.

There is a significant view that Sundays should be sacrosanct when it comes to store opening and the ability to do business on that day. And it remains that those of such a disposition should not be forced to do their weekly shop on their day of rest. They should not be frog marched to House of Fraser after church in order to buy crockery or such like. Simply, they do have a choice.

We're sympathetic to closing on a Sunday as very many of our competitors do. However our clients and their prospective buyers expect us to be accessible in order to provide the maximum of selling/buying opportunities. And we make the most of it in making numerous viewings and negotiating many offers on this, the seventh day.

Two of our current sellers have sold their homes on Sunday of this week as a consequence of us being around on that day to arrange an appointment for their prospective buyer to view and to subsequently put forward a successful offer straight away. The iron being hot, etc.

So rightly or wrongly, and whether you agree with the premise of Sunday trading or not, wouldn't you want to make sure that you chose an estate agent that operated 100% of the time and not just some of it?

Remarkably, given the concept, most if not all online low cost estate agents are CLOSED ON SUNDAYS. Maybe some close early on Wednesdays still too?