10 Downing Street vs The White House: Where Would You Rather Live?

Whether you're a fan of Boris Johnson or not, there is one common trait you have most likely shared with the prime minister at some point in your life: moving into a new home. The recently-appointed PM just got the keys to his brand new pad – a period property from the Georgian era that goes by the name of 10 Downing Street.

On the other side of the pond, another divisive figure has settled into his residence, and called it 'home' for the last three years. That residence is, of course, The White House. And the divisive figure? A certain Donald Trump, the current president of the United States.

Both the president and prime minister might have blonde ambitions, but we're not here to examine their time in the job. Instead, let's focus on the places they call home, and which one comes up trumps (excuse the pun) as the best place to live.

So, read on, and find out which is the better place to call home. This is 10 Downing Street v The White House.

Location, location, location

We all know that square foot plays a big part in buying a home. But let's not kid ourselves and pretend like the postcode (or zip code) isn't a significant factor when choosing somewhere to live. When it comes to location, there's only one winner: 10 Downing Street.

We don't have anything against Washington, but its claim to fame is the White House and the place where all the power decisions are made. There's undoubtedly some culture, in the form of museums and a thriving performing arts scene. But they will always be overshadowed by politics.

London, on the other hand, is one of the most important – and visited – cities in the world. It's a bustling metropolis filled with entertainment, arts, culture, and a ridiculous amount of green space for somewhere so built up. The city has everything, so much so that No.10 Downing Street doesn't even make the top 10 for most visited attractions in the UK's capital.

Winner: No.10 Downing Street


10 Downing Street vs The White House: Where Would You Rather Live?53% of buyers said they would purchase a property that looks enticing from the outside. First impressions count! But which one of the White House and No.10 Downing Street catch the eye? Is it the grandness of the White House or the period features of 10. Downing Street?

Often referred to as 'the world's most famous front door,' 10. Downing Street is a Georgian terrace house in Westminster, London. While the face is Georgian, the structure is 1684's Stuart era. On first impressions,

it's black front door and dark brickwork doesn't make it stand out particularly. However, it would surely be a popular choice for those who like terrace houses.

The White House's neoclassical style makes it one of the most recognised buildings in the world. Designed by Irish-born architect James Hoban, The White House embodies extravagance and was first constrcuted in 1791. Surrounded by seven acres of green spaces, The White House represents grandness and prestige on the largest scale. Winner: The White House


10 Downing Street StaircaseHaving a fancy-looking exterior is great, but it's the interiors of a home that you see on a daily basis — and both The White House and 10. Downing Street have scale on their side. After all, they are the homes of the US president and UK prime minister.

The White House comprises 132 rooms, which include the famous Oval Office, where the sitting president conducts their affairs. There are 16 family guest rooms, a whopping 35 bathrooms, and a somewhat disappointing three kitchens. The White House is spread across 55,000 square feet.

Downing Street features 100 rooms, including three state drawing rooms that are used to host events and grand receptions. The Terracotta Room serves as the second reception room, while the Grand Staircase is one of the most recognisable aspects of No.10. Even so, 10. Downing Street doesn't quite match the White House when it comes to interiors.

Winner: The White House

And the winner is…

While both houses offer an abundance of history and grand design, The White House shades it three to two. 10 Downing Street might have a better location, but when it comes to the actual property, The White House is the winner.

Unfortunately, unless you're a presidential candidate or running for prime minister, your chances of living in one of these mega houses are virtually non-existent. But, if you're looking for a new home, fear not. Here at emoov, we have a range of homes from cosy to grand.