Which Features in Your Home Influence Buyers the Most?

influencing buyers

When it comes to selling your property, it’s important to make sure that the entire property is well present and tidy when showing around prospective buyers. But what feature in your property most influences a buyer?

In short, some buyers are influenced by things that others are not. Depending on the buyers needs, most important features of a property will change. However, here are some of the most common must-have’s that we hear about from our buyers.


A kitchen is where you will be spending the most time moving around, getting creative with meals and storing food and utensils. A spacious, clutter-free and clean kitchen is a really great way to influence your buyer.

In a world where the ladies often claim the kitchen as their own, you would be surprised with the reactions we get from the men as they enter a high quality kitchen with built in appliances!


Gardens are hugely popular with buyers looking to upsize with a family. This is a really common feature of a property that buyers will almost always talk about first when it comes to purchasing a property, which is ironic considering as the property is where they will be spending the majority of their time.


A garage is a fantastic selling point for a property. For people who need to store tools, bikes, cars or just general odds and sods that won’t fit in the house, a garage is imperative and will influence their decision hugely.


The lounge is where people entertain, relax or fall asleep watching Question Time. It is typically the second most used room in any property due to the amount of time spending watching television.

For smaller properties especially, a lounge or living room must be spacious enough to fit entertainment systems in with potential for a smaller dining table. Offering space for a dining table for a property that does not have a dining room is extremely influential to buyers.

En-suite Bathroom

The en-suite bathroom adds convenience and privacy to the home. For many buyers, an en-suite is a must, especially if they had previously been used to an en-suite. The idea of having an en-suite to not having one is surprisingly difficult according to many of the buyers we speak to daily.

A property that offers a well-presented en-suite bathroom is going to be a big influencing factor for a decent portion of viewers.

Airing Cupboard

Okay, so the airing cupboard isn’t a deal breaker, but believe it or not, we’ve dealt with buyers who could not live without their good old-fashioned airing cupboard.

What’s important about selling your property is finding buyers who match what you are offering. Get in touch today to discuss selling your property and the types of people we talk to daily looking for a property just like yours.