How to Create and Manage Property Offers

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

Emoov's purely online model makes managing the sale of your property as stress-free and straightforward as possible. Buyers who have identified their ideal property can make an offer simply and quickly and for sellers, we've made it easy to respond to and accept these offers.

Thankfully, the process of selling or purchasing a property couldn't be easier on the Emoov website. For those wanting to know how to get started, follow the steps below with a few clicks and you'll be well on your way to buying or selling your property.

1. Buyer Puts in an Offer

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

Once you have identified the perfect property from your chosen search parameters, click on the listing. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the MAKE AN OFFER button.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

The following page requires you to input the details of your offer. You will be asked to provide details on your position, such as whether you have a property on the market or if you are a cash buyer, for example. You can then type in the value of your offer and add any relevant details you may wish the seller to know when considering your offer.

Finally, hit the SEND button.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

Once your offer has been submitted, this is the screen you will see. Now it is time to wait for the seller's response.

2. Seller Declines an Offer

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

As the seller of the property, you will receive notification of an offer on the listing. Under messages on the website, you will see the details of the submitted offer and have the option to accept or decline it.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

If the offer does not meet your expectations, hit the DECLINE button in the green bar. A dialogue box will come up to ensure that you are certain; select the DECLINE button once again.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

You will then have the option to respond to the prospective buyer with any relevant messages, such as the price you are looking for. Then hit the SUBMIT button.

3. Buyer Makes a New Offer

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

This is the screen the prospective buyer will see once an offer has been declined, displaying any feedback given by the seller. If you wish to go back with a subsequent offer, click on the MAKE A NEW OFFER tab.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

4. Seller Accepts an Offer

You can choose to increase the offer or offer the full asking price. Once you have entered the details, click on the SEND button to submit the revised offer.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

The seller then receives notification of the improved offer. If it meets expectations, you can choose to accept the offer by clicking on the ACCEPT button in the green bar.

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

The dialogue box then comes up again to make sure the seller is certain. Hit the ACCEPT/OK button to confirm.

5. We Have a Deal!

How to Manage Offers on the Emoov Website

The buyer will then be notified that the offer has been accepted, and congratulations are in order! If you have any further questions about the process, please contact us on 0345 561 0050 or by email at [email protected].

Your Responsibilities

Your Responsibilities


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Your Dashboard: Offers


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Your Dashboard: Viewings


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